Everyone Please Consider this Resolution –
Whereas, a majority of APWU retirees department members paid full dues for decades; arguably far longer than a majority of current active dues-paying APWU members, and
Whereas, as the mothers and fathers of the APWU; retired members are a storehouse of knowledge, battle-tested experience, and wisdom to be utilized as a valuable APWU asset, and
Whereas retirees regularly assist locals and participate in APWU functions such as state and national elections and campaigns such as Staples, and
Whereas, retirees are MEMBERS – please refer to Article 3 Section 4 (e) All retirees who desire to become members of the APWU Retirees Department shall pay Thirty-Six Dollars ($36.00) per year per capita tax to the National Union. Article 3 is membership.
Resolved all retiree in attendance at the APWU National Convention will be allowed voice and vote on all retiree related issues, and therefore be it further
Resolved, to amend the APWU Constitution & By-Laws; Article 6. “Representation”; Adding a New Section 6 (Change present Section 6 to Section 7) to read: “Wherever in Article 6, Sections 1 through 5. References to; ‘National Convention; Local, State, regional affiliates, or organizations voting strength/representation’ such provisions will apply to chartered APWU State and Local Retiree Chapters.
Resolved the new section would read:
SEC 6. Retiree delegates will be seated with a voice and a vote pursuant to the formula in Article 6, section one.
Previously Adopted ___ Adopted ___ Not Adopted ___ Referred ___ Other ___
______________________ _______________________
Local President Secretary Treasurer or Secretary
2018 we will be in Pittsburgh for the National Convention. When the issue of voice and vote comes up I sincerely hope all of the delegates review the member’s bills of rights. Especially note items 3, Every member has the right to freedom of speech and the right to be heard and item , Every member has the right to participate in the activities of this Union.
In addition, retirees are MEMBERS – please refer to Article 3 Section 4 (e) All retirees who desire to become members of the APWU Retirees Department shall pay Thirty-Six Dollars ($36.00) per year per capita tax to the National Union. Article 3 is membership.
Please consider these factors when the issue of voice and vote for retiree attending the National Convention is discussed.
Thank you a retiree since 2003. Bobby Donelson