Greg Bell Announces he will be seeking the position of National APWU President.
Please read his announcement letter.
Greg Bell Announcement Letter for President (3)
Retirees can vote for the following positions: Retirees Department Director, Retiree National Convention Delegate, for the region he or she will represent, National APWU President, Executive Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer, and three (3) resident department officers: Legislative/Political Director, Human Relations Director, and APWU Health Plan Director
Retirees shall elect the Retirees Department Director and five (5) delegates to the National Convention. The Retirees Department Director and each Retiree National Convention Delegate will have a voice and one (1) vote at the National Convention. The five (5) Retiree National Convention Delegates shall be paid necessary expenses to attend the National Convention and the All-Craft APWU Retiree Department Conference.
Members of the APWU Retirees Department who pay thirty-six dollars ($36.00) per annum and retired as members of the APWU-represented bargaining unit, shall be eligible to vote for the three (3) APWU General Officers: President, Executive Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer, and three (3) resident department officers: Legislative/Political Director, Human Relations Director, and APWU Health Plan Director, excluding all local, state, and national resident and craft/division officers not specifically listed herein, or in any matter pertaining to National Agreement ratification, Local Memorandum of Understanding, or proposed work stoppages.