Article 6 Convention Resolution

We are in 2020 now and the next National APWU, AFL-CIO Convention will be in Los Angeles, CA this August. As has been previously stated many not all retirees would like to see the National APWU, AFL-CIO Constitution changed to allow for retirees to vote and speak at the convention.

Therefore, the Southwest Coastal Area Local will be voting on the Article 6 proposed constitutional change at our February 5, 2020 Meeting.   If approved, we will send the proposed amendment to the National APWU, AFL-CIO as a resolution to be discussed at the National APWU, AFL-CIO Convention.

If we are to be successful, we need the support of many delegates. Unfortunately, in the past we have not had many non-retired delegates speak in favor of the proposed change. Because we have a very limited number of retirees who are full dues paying local members and therefore eligible to be a regular convention delegate, we have not had a lot of delegates speaking in favor the proposed change.

The resolution being voted on at our Retiree Chapter Meeting is:

Southwest Coastal Area Local Retiree Chapter

WHEREAS, as the mothers and fathers of the American Postal Workers Union, retired members are a storehouse of knowledge, battle-tested experience, and wisdom to be utilized as a valuable American Postal Workers Union asset, and

WHEREAS, American Postal Workers Union Retiree Department members paid full dues for decades, and

WHEREAS, most American Postal Workers Union Retiree are like all retirees and live on a fixed reduced income, and

WHEREAS, many American Postal Workers Union Retiree step forward when the union needs assistance or support,

WHEREAS, a united American Postal Workers Union benefits all APWU Members, therefore be it

Resolved, to amend the American Postal Workers Union Constitution and Bylaws Article 6.   Add a new Section 6 and changing current section 6 to Section 7.   New section 6 would read: National Convention local, state, regional affiliates, or organizations voting strength/representation provisions will apply to chartered APWU State and Local Retiree Chapters with the exception that Retiree Chapter’s voting strength/representation will be one (1) for one-hundred (100) or fraction thereof.




Bobby Donelson, Retiree Chapter President                                                                 Frank Townsend, Retiree Chapter Secretary Treasurer